today we finally got some snow in new york. a real-real snow, that covered up streets, cars, benches, trees. not that i am particularly happy with that weather , but it started feeling a little bit more like a winter here. messy streets are inevitable though, snow already is turning into grey water-ish substance under the action of ice- melting particles that are generously thrown on the streets and waterproof rain-boots are the best option for roaming around the city.
it was really fun to watch how our little shiba-inu akina got all excited about the snow as we walked outside.
akina was jumping all around- so it was really hard to capture her, unless you hold her tight.
and who does not like a run in the snow?
streets already started to look messy...
but park looked amazing... covered in the snow
akina always behaves like a truly hunting dog...ready to run after squirrels and birds...
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